Credit Application

Client type

Client details

Business Address

Postal Address

Account details

All account statements and invoices will be sent to your accounts email

Credit references

We require a name, address, contact no, average monthly purchases, years traded together for each reference

Acknowledgement and signing by client

By signing below I/we:

  1. warrant that all information in the above schedule is true and correct;
  2. acknowledge having received, read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Trade (attached and/or available at (Terms and Conditions of Trade);
  3. acknowledge that the above schedule and Terms and Conditions of Trade will form the agreement if I/we are successful and National Transport Solutions communicates acceptance. Acceptance will otherwise be deemed to be communicated by National Transport Solutions upon the supply of the Services;
  4. agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of Trade;
  5. warrant that the signatory is authorised by the Client to enter into this Credit Application;
  6. warrant that the Client is solvent and able to pay its debts as and when they fall due;
  7. authorise National Transport Solutions as a credit provider to obtain from a credit reporting agency:
    1. a credit report containing information about me/us in relation to personal credit;
    2. a credit report containing information for the purpose of assessing my/our application for commercial credit;
    3. a credit report for the purposes of collection of payments that are overdue in respect of personal credit; and
    4. a credit report for the purposes of collection of payments that are overdue in respect of commercial credit;
  8. authorise National Transport Solutions to give and obtain from another credit provider a report or information about my/our credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history and credit capacity that credit providers are lawfully permitted to give or receive from one another under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth);
  9. acknowledge that such information may be given or obtained by National Transport Solutions for the purposes of:
    1. assessing my/our application for credit; and/or
    2. the collection of payments that are overdue;
  10. authorise National Transport Solutions to use information, including Personal Information, received in a credit report concerning my/our commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness in assessing my/our application for credit; and
  11. authorise National Transport Solutions to disclose the Personal Information provided by us to a person considering whether to offer to act as guarantor in respect of, or to offer property as security for this application made by the Client.

Authorised officer signature*

By signing this Agreement, the authorised officer represents and warrants to the other party that they have the authority to sign this Agreement on behalf of the Client and that authority has not been revoked.